I am here to guide you back into your power.

The foundations of authentic Social Media Marketing

Do you have a business that you love, and you are passionate about helping others with your service or offer?

Are you ready to step into your innate power, create by your own rules and follow your unique path when is comes to the world of Social Media?

I am here to guide you back to your authentic self, a place where overwhelm dissolves into ease and effortlessness!

"Be Magnetic" Social Media Marketing Online Workshop
CHF 222.00
One time

✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Workshop für authentisches Social-Media-Marketing

15. Juni, 2024

Das Portal; Steinenstrasse 3, 6004 Luzern, 9:30-15:30 Uhr

Ein Workshop um zu lernen, wie du deine Energie ausrichtest, um dein ideales Publikum anzuziehen. Wie du authentische Inhalte erstellst, die Resonanz erzeugen und Verbindung und Vertrauen aufbauen. Und wie du Social Media Marketing nachhaltig in dein tägliches Wirken integrierst.

120 CHF

Achtsame Brand Fotografie in der ZentralSchweiz

Lifestyle & Nature based Photograhy + Content Creation for Heart Centered Individuals, Brands & Creatives that seek authentic visuals to share their story.

The world needs more people who dare to follow their passion and authentic path to empower and help others with their wisdom and expertise.
The world needs you just the way you are.

Meet Reelika

I was seeking external validation my whole life because I was never recognized and seen as a child. But the funny thing is, the validation comes from within.

I am a Human Design Projector, and I have always had a way of seeing life a bit differently than others. I have always been a rebel against the systems that, in my eyes, just won't work. I have always recognized that the way society currently works does not value the person as he or she is; it is always trying to shape us into being something we are not, just to fit in a box, just to be easily controlled.

I have been on a spiritual search for a while now, read all the books, and taken many courses that have given me valuable insights. I have gone through experiences and learned a lot from them. I learned pretty young to follow my intuition, and that has led me to some wonderful places. But still, something was missing.

Why am I here? What do I have to give to the world? What is my gift? The answer came by realizing that I am totally looking for the answers outside of myself. How ironic. Here I was breaking patterns and fighting the systems while still falling into the patterns and following the system.

Once I realized that my nervous system is set for searching, never feeling good enough, a fear of not knowing enough, and constantly trying to better myself, I took some time off and healed my nervous system. This was a time when the pieces of the puzzle really started to come together, and my path on this earth became clearer than ever before (still a process), but something clicked.

I put together my passion, my interests, my experience, and wisdom and created my own thing. And I would love to be the guide, helping you get back into your power as well because the world needs the authentic you; the world needs your gifts and your genius. It’s time to live life by our own rules.